Design and Commissioning Cabinet Controls for Wire Drawing Machines

Spare parts

At EUROTECH you’ll find all the OEM electrical spare parts need to guarantee the machine up-keeping. Find out here all the different spare parts available………


We are able to supply all the encoder used in your original motors, directly from the OEM in Europe;

If not available no more in the market, we will find the exact replacement that will fit the existing original motors.



We able to supply the original motor blower made per specifications from the motor manufacture



For DC motors that still use a tachometer for speed feedback, we’re able to supply the original device or the exact replacement.  The electrical and mechanical specifications will be guarantee.



Either if you’re looking for a DC motor or up-grade to a new AC motors, we’re able to supply a variety of motors commercial available and made specially for wire drawing machine applications



At Eurotech We Excel

At EUROTECH we strive to exceed customer expectations in order to achieve the best result for the production need
Eurotech LLC
Design and Commissioning Cabinet Controls for Wire Drawing Machines